Thursday, August 22, 2019

Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Daniel C. Harris 8th edition

Dan Harris's Quantitative Chemical Analysis continues to be the most widely used  textbook for analytical chemistry.  It offers consistently modern portrait of the tools and techniques of chemical analysis, incorporating real data, spreadsheets, and a wealth of applications, all presented in a witty, personable style that engages students without compromising the  principles and depth necessary for a thorough and practical understanding.

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Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Gain a full understanding of the principles of biochemistry as it relates to clinical medicine

The Thirty-First Edition of Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry continues to emphasize the link between biochemistry and the understanding of disease states, disease pathology, and the practice of medicine. Featuring a full-color presentation and numerous medically relevant examples, Harper's presents a clear, succinct review of the fundamentals of biochemistry that every student must understand in order to succeed in medical school. 
All 58 chapters help you understand the medical relevance of biochemistry:
*Full-color presentation includes more than 600 illustrations*Case studies emphasize the clinical relevance of biochemistry *NEW CHAPTER on Biochemistry of Transition Metals addresses the importance and overall pervasiveness of transition metals*Review Questions follow each of the eleven sections*Boxed Objectives define the goals of each chapter*Tables encapsulate important information*Every chapter includes a section on the biomedical importance of a given topic
Applauded by medical students and online reviewers for its currency and engaging style, Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry is essential for USMLE (R) review and the single-best reference for learning the clinical relevance of any biochemistry topic
Download 31 edition
Download 30 edition

Chemical Process Industries by Shreve 5 edition

This is the latest edition of the authoritative reference that is widely acclaimed as the best reference for up-to-date coverage of the major chemical processes and their technical and economic relationships. For timely and expert guidance in the designing and operating of processing units, this is the book that professionals and students have turned to. Table of Contents: 1. Chemical Processing. 2. Chemical Processing and the Work of the Chemical Engineer. 3. Water Conditioning and Environmental Protection. 4. Energy, Fuels, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. 5. Coal Chemicals. 6. Fuel Gases. 7. Industrial Gases. 8. Industrial Carbon. 9. The Ceramic Industries. 10. Portland Cements, Calcium and Magnesium Compounds. 11. Glass Industries. 12. Salt and Miscellaneous Sodium Compounds. 13. Chlor-Alkali Industries: Soda Ash, Caustic Soda, Chlorine. 14. Electrolytic Industries. 15. Electrothermal Industries. 16. Phosphorus Industries. 17. Potassium Industries. 18. Nitrogen Industries. 19. Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid. 20. Hydrochloric Acid and Miscellaneous Inorganic Compounds. 21. Nuclear Industries. 22. Explosives, Toxic Chemical Agents and Propellants. 23. Photographic Products Industries. 24. Surface-Coating Industries. 25. Food and Food By-Product Processing Industries. 26. Agrichemical Industries. 27. Fragrances, Flavors, and Food Additives. 28. Oils, Fats, and Waxes. 29. Soap and Detergents. 30. Sugar and Starch Industries. 31. Fermentation Industries. 32. Wood Chemicals. 33. Pulp and Paper Industries. 34. Plastics Industries. 35. Man-Made Fiber and Film. 36. Rubber Industries. 37. Petroleum Refining. 38. Petrochemicals. 39. Intermediates, Dyes and Their Application. 40. The Pharmaceutical Industry. Printed Pages: 876.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Essentials Of Physical Chemistry By Arun Bahl And B.S. Bahl

Free download Essentials of Physical Chemistry (multicolor edition) written by Arun Bahl, B.S. Bahl and G.D. Tuli. The Essentials of Physical Chemistry has been written for BSc students. It has been national best-seller for more than 65 years. It has been used by more than 2 million students. It is 26 editions old. It really has been that long. A lot of things have changed since then.
Many BSc students do not have a good background in Physical Chemistry. This examinationoriented text is written with these students in mind. The language is simple, explanations clear, and presentation very systematic. This book will help you overcome the fear of Physical Chemistry. Stress is on understanding and not on memorisation. Topics which usually confuse the students are explained in greater detail
than commonly done. This text will help you learn Physical Chemistry faster and enjoy it more !
The new edition of Essentials of Physical Chemistry contains numerous discussions, illustrations, and exercises aimed at overcoming common misconceptions. It has become increasingly clear from our own teaching experience that students often struggle with Physical Chemistry because they misunderstand many of the fundamental concepts. In this text, we have gone to great lengths to provide illustrations and explanations aimed at giving students more accurate pictures of the fundamental ideas of chemistry.
One of the distinctive features of the text is its visual impact. This is the first Indian Physical Chemistry textbook to be completely done in four-color and on computer. Color graphics, illustrations, and real pictures have been extensively used to highlight and reinforce the important points. Color has also been used to highlight change and concepts.
Download & Onlline Read

Organic Chemistry 11e by T.W. Graham Solomons, Craig B. Fryhle and Scott A. Snyder

Free download Organic Chemistry (11th edition) written by T.W. Graham Solomons, Craig B. Fryhle and Scott A. Snyder in pdf.
According to the authors; with this edition we bring Scott Snyder on board as a co-author. We’re very excited to have Scott join our team. Scott brings a rich resource of new perspectives to the book, particularly in the arena of complex molecule synthesis. Scott has infused new examples and applications of exciting chemistry that help achieve our goals. In addition to adding his perspectives to the presentation of core chemistry throughout the book, Scott’s work is manifest in most of this edition’s chapter openers and in all of the chapter closers, couched in a new feature called “Why do these topics matter?”.
Throughout the book, we have streamlined or reduced content to match the modern practice of organic chemistry, and we have provided new coverage of current reactions, while maintaining our commitment to an appropriate level and breadth of coverage.

Advanced Organic Chemistry by March: Reactions, Mechanisms,and Structure 6e

March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms,and Structure 6e
"Who can hope to be seriously accepted as a member of the organic chemistry community without being in possession of at least one edition of 'March'?" (Chemistry & Industry, 7th May 2007)
"...a favorite general organic chemistry text and an easy-to-use one-volume reference. We are confident that this book will remain a dominant reference and that it will reside on many chemists' personal bookshelves." (Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, March 22, 2007)
Download 6th Edition

Organic Chemistry 9th Edition by John E. McMurry

The most trusted and best-selling text for organic chemistry just got better! Updated with more coverage of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, expanded with new end-of-chapter mechanism problems and Practice Your Scientific Reasoning and Analysis questions, and enhanced with OWLv2, the latest version of the leading online homework and learning system for chemistry, John McMurry's ORGANIC CHEMISTRY continues to set the standard for the course. The Ninth Edition also retains McMurry's hallmark qualities: comprehensive, authoritative, and clear. McMurry has developed a reputation for crafting precise and accessible texts that speak to the needs of instructors and students. More than a million students worldwide from a full range of universities have mastered organic chemistry through his trademark style, while instructors at hundreds of colleges and universities have praised his approach time and time again.

Organic Chemistry 7e by Paula Yurkanis Bruice

All of Paula Bruice’s extensive revisions to the Seventh Edition of Organic Chemistry follow a central guiding principle: support what modern students need in order to understand and retain what they learn in organic chemistry for successful futures in industry, research, and medicine.

In consideration of today’s classroom dynamics and the changes coming to the 2015 MCAT, this revision offers a completely new design with enhanced art throughout, reorganization of materials to reinforce fundamental skills and facilitate more efficient studying.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Chromatography: The Most Versatile Method of Chemical Analysis by Leonardo Calderon

Nowadays, Chromatography is the most versatile and widespread technique employed in modern chemical analysis and plays a vital role in the advancement of chemistry, biology, medicine and related fields of research. Because of the inherent simplicity and ease of operation, it can be used together with a wide range of detection systems, including electrochemical, photometric and mass spectrometry, being an invaluable laboratory tool for the separation and identification of compounds. The purpose of this book is not only to present the latest state and development tendencies of chromatography, but to bring the reader useful information on separation sciences to enable him to use chromatography on his research field. Taking into account the large amount of knowledge about chromatography theory and practice presented in the book, it has three major parts: applications, theory and sample preparation. The book is also intended for both graduate and postgraduate students in fields such as chemistry, biology, biotechnology, forensic, medicine, pharmacology and engineering, and as a reference for professionals and practitioners.
Chapter will be available offline in pdf formate ......Comming Soon